AquaConnect goes to the province of South-Holland



AquaConnect connects its scientific research to the research questions of regional end-users in different regions in the Netherlands. On October 19th, the AquaConnect PhDs and postdocs were invited by Deltares in Delft for a workshop about water provision related questions in the province of South-Holland. During this workshop, they received an overview of water management related issues from the AquaConnect partners Dunea, Oasen, Stichting Kennis in je Kas, Port of Rotterdam and the Province of South-Holland. It became clear that the soon-to-start ‘Freshman-pilot brackish water extraction –‘ of Dunea will be one of the pilots that AquaConnect PhDs will connect their research to.


Utrecht University
Department of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584CB Utrecht
Building: Vening Meineszgebouw A

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